Unveiling Centuries old Heritage: Sher Shah Suri Mosque Wazirabad


Wazirabad is a city with a distinct identity and unique status due to its historical importance. The historical heritage in it has a story of centuries. Sher Shah Suri era mosque is also an example of this. Located on the Dhaunkal Road outside Wazirabad, this mosque not only gives a glimpse of the Sher Shah Suri era but also bears witness to the glory of that era. 


There is also a baoli near the Sher Shah Suri Masjid that offers a glimpse of these two remarkable architectural marvels, less than half a kilometer away from the historic GT Road. Archaeologist Saifur Rahman Dar has rendered outstanding services in the field of archaeology. In his comprehensive survey along the Grand Trunk Road from 1987 to 1989, he has documented the historical remains in the form of excavations.


It was during this survey that the historical significance of the Sher Shah Suri Masjid was discovered, detailed in his famous report "Caravan Rise with the Grand Trunk in Pakistan". The presence of these two historic buildings in such close proximity points to the possibility that a caravan inn for travelers existed in the area in the past. 


Recently while researching this caravan inn, I came to know that it was Moti Bazar in Wazirabad city, which was demolished in the mid-nineties and its remains turned into a park. The Grand Trunk Road with its rich historical heritage and significance extended beyond Dhaunkal to the historic town of Gakkhar and Gujranwala in the south.


An inscription outside the mosque claims that a local family owns it. They also claim that the mosque was also used as a Mughal court in the past, where locals used to submit their problems and requests to the rulers. . Later it will be used as an Eid Gah. Unfortunately, it is now locked and entry is restricted. This mosque, though small in size, has significant historical charm. The covered prayer hall measures 23 x 40 feet, with three arched gateways at the front and a dome above. In the past, remnants of frescoes adorned the interior ceiling.

Unfortunately, visitors are not allowed to see the interior of the historic mosque, as the caretaker has restricted access. Recent clashes between different religious sects in the area have further complicated matters related to control of the mosque. Located in front of a courtyard, another towering arched gateway welcomes visitors. The mosque is built on a raised platform with a basement below.

This unique architectural feature suggests that the basement functioned as an inn, providing shelter for travelers at night or housing students who came to study Quranic verses. Sher Shah Suri Mosque stands as a silent witness to a bygone era, its historical significance illuminating Pakistan's rich cultural heritage. These architectural marvels not only reflect the glory of the past but also serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving our historical treasures. The Department of Archeology needs to take immediate steps for its preservation. .

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