Haripur's British Cemetery: A Tribute to Fallen Officers

The British Cemetery in Haripur, also known as Sarkari Bagh, has a history dating back approximately one and a half centuries. It is situated within Hari Singh ka Bagh, which was originally the garden of Hari Singh Nalva, a general serving under Raja Ranjit Singh, who established Haripur in 1822. This lush garden, now referred to as the Fruit Nursery Farm, spans approximately 15 acres and is currently under the management of the KPK agriculture department.

Within this cemetery, there are nine graves that have been entirely destroyed, and an additional six have suffered partial damage. The cemetery holds historical significance as it became the final resting place for several British officers who lost their lives during the state war in 1851, a conflict in which they were killed by members of the Hassanzai Tribe.

During my visit to British cemetery last week i observed a sense of tranquility. Some graves were in good condition while plaster of a few graves were eroding. Two plaques of large graves are gone. Despite of being in a walled garden the graves are not properly look after and chances of furtger degradation will leave them on the verfe of extinction.

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